Monthly Archives: January 2021

Staying Safe on the Ice

It’s looking like cold and icy season starts tomorrow, so please make sure you’re staying safe by the pools with the following tips:

1) Walk. Most of our winter-related pool accidents are caused by moving too quickly between pools. We know that it gets really cold really quick, but we’d rather have you be cold than be injured.

2) Please obey the “closed area” signs. Certain areas outside are closed for a reason. Our radiant heat doesn’t extend to certain parts of the outside pool area, so those areas get very icy very quickly.

3) Beware of metal. Nothing is worse than sticking to one of the railings as you exit the pool. Please make sure either your hands are dry before touching the poles or make sure you touch the poles very gingerly.

By |2021-01-22T10:40:26-07:00January 22nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Staying Safe on the Ice

Tom Duffy: Local Hero

Not all types of heroes have to recognized on a large or national scale. Sometimes, they can do things on a smaller, local scale. Though these heroic acts don’t ring on a larger scale, and oftentimes go completely unnoticed, they are just as important, generally helping out communities who are in need or groups who aren’t able to help themselves. Whether it’s someone who throws an event for charitable reasons, someone who volunteers to help those in need, or someone who works on school/church boards to achieve a common goal, local heroes are vital to communities. Tom Duffy encapsulated this mentality at every given opportunity.

One of the most notable heroic things that Tom did was volunteer for the search & rescue team. When someone was in need, Tom was the one to call. He was constantly working with this team to ensure the safety of lost hikers, injured adventurers, and anyone else who was in the need of rescuing. Having expertise flying helicopters helped with this quite a bit too.

Paired with this, he was on the board of directors for Mount Ellis Academy and the Seventh Day Adventist church, where they were able to meet to help achieve common goals to benefit the school, church, and Bozeman Community. He also used his wealth to help out by donating to various local camps. Whether it was donating to help run a local basketball league, camps for kids, or camps helping out disabled youth, Tom was a primary donator to many of these activities, making him the definition of a “local hero”.

Bozeman has tons of local heroes that help out every day, and we would love to hear about yours.

By |2021-01-22T10:30:38-07:00January 22nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Tom Duffy: Local Hero

Proper Sauna Etiquette

Proper Sauna Etiquette

Hopping in the sauna can feel great after a workout. It can help relax your muscles after a tense workout, can help prevent future illnesses, and can prepare your body for all your future workouts. However, there is a certain etiquette that must be followed while using the sauna, and there are some things you should avoid when looking to use a sauna.

1. Please Keep Your Voice Down

For many, saunas are places of tranquility and relaxation. They typically use the sauna to enter a Zen-like state for meditative purposes. So, naturally, they will be pretty peeved to hear about your “rager of a weekend” while they try to relax and get away from life’s problems. So, please, if you do want to have a conversation in the sauna, keep your voice down and be conscious of the people around you. There are plenty more places where you’re able to talk loudly.

2. Shower After Using

Although using a sauna can help prevent future diseases, you will sweat a lot, which can cause minor colds and sickness if you don’t hydrate properly. Because of this, we advise that you always either take a warm/cold shower or go into a plunge pool shortly after using the sauna. This will rehydrate your body, give you energy, and prevent your body from picking up any minor sicknesses.

3. Leave Your Electronics in Your Locker, and Your Music at Home

This one should be a no brainer, but you’d be surprised. For many of the same reasons why you should keep your voice down in the sauna, you shouldn’t use electronics while using the sauna. Not only can the electronics be loud and annoying to others, but they have a potential to overheat in the sauna which can be harmful to your electronic device as well as potentially harmful to others if it overheats too much. Paired with this, the sauna isn’t the place for music. We don’t allow Bluetooth speakers in the Hot Springs anyway, but we’ve had people bring a wide array of musical instruments into the sauna. Just remember, what is relaxing to you may not be relaxing to others, so please be courteous of your surroundings.

4. Don’t Exercise in the Sauna

This really only applies if there are other people in the sauna with you. Hot yoga is a great trend that people like to do, and when the sauna is the hottest place in the building, it seems like the perfect opportunity. However, we do have limited space in the sauna, especially now with COVID protocols, so if you aren’t the only one in the sauna, please wait to practice yoga. Or if there are only one or two other people in the sauna, ask them if they’re ok with it. If they are, then you’re all good to go.

5. Do NOT Pour Water on the Rocks

This is a HUGE no-no at our sauna. In the past, we’ve had to add new heaters to our sauna from people ruining the old versions by pouring water on the rocks. Doing these has almost started fires and can potentially cause a ton of harm to the facility and other sauna users. We’ve had to close the sauna down before because of this, so please follow the rules. If we get reports of you pouring rocks on the sauna, we will kick you out, and if we find out that you’ve been doing it more after that, we won’t allow you to use the sauna at all. So, please, if you want to sit in a room full of steam, just use our steam room. It’s what it’s there for.

6. Please Don’t Use the Sauna to Work Off a Hangover

We have this problem a ton, where someone partied a little too hard on Saturday night, so they figure that they can sweat off their hangover in the sauna. But in all actuality, this is a terrible idea. The best way to work off a hangover is to hydrate constantly, and saunas tend to do the opposite. We’ve had people get sick and pass out due to dehydration from trying to sweat off a hangover, so please please please please please don’t use the sauna to work off your hangover.

Thank you in advance for practicing safe sauna etiquette. We look forward to seeing you all in the future!

By |2021-01-19T12:16:57-07:00January 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Proper Sauna Etiquette
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