Monthly Archives: July 2020

How We Clean When You’re Not Here

We wanted highlight and to share the extensive process and attention to detail our cleaning crew takes every night to ensure our facility is clean and ready for use when we open the next morning

  • Every day, upon closing, our indoor pools are drained completely
  • Our pools are filled up with fresh hot springs mineral water every morning prior to opening
  • The entire facility is disinfected, sprayed down and scrubbed with stiff nylon brushes
  • Our steam room is sprayed down with cleaner and scrubbed
  • We spray, scrub and sanitize the sauna each night
  • All the carpets are vacuumed and cleaned
  • All the workout equipment is sanitized and wiped down
  • All the counters/fountains sinks/hand rails/bathrooms are disinfected and cleaned
  • All the floors are cleaned and sanitized
  • The locker rooms are wiped down and sanitized
  • We use a disinfectant fogger to sanitize locker rooms, lockers, showers, gym equipment, stretching mats etc
  • We spray and scrub all mats in pool area and locker rooms

That’s just to name a few of the things to make sure our facilities are the cleanest they can be. Truly, there are hundreds of other small and big things that are done. The full list is honestly too long to post, but the entire facility gets cleaned every single day.

By |2020-07-30T18:48:54-06:00July 30th, 2020|General News|Comments Off on How We Clean When You’re Not Here

Benefits of the Minerals in Our Water

  1. Sodium
    • Plays a crucial role in maintaining balance of positive and negative ions in body fluids
    • Helps maintain blood pressure levels
    • Vital components of nerves, blood, and muscle
    • Controlling mental apathy
  2.  Silica
    • Helps with bone formation and connective tissue
    • Promotes healthy hair, skin, nails, and arteries
  3. Bicarbonate
    • Regulate body’s pH levels, and improves your hormone balance, nutrient absorption, and blood quality. Keeps your kidney healthy
  4. Chloride
    • Maintains electrolyte balance and PH of body fluids
    • Helps produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which aids in protein digestion
  5. Sulfate
    • Helps treat skin irritation and infections
    • Pain relief


By |2020-07-20T15:58:18-06:00July 20th, 2020|General News|Comments Off on Benefits of the Minerals in Our Water

July Move of the Month

The box jump workout has a lot of benefits without a lot of equipment. All you need is a stable box, your own body weight, and a few tips on how to do it.

Box jumps are one of the main exercises in plyometric training or jump training. Not only do you burn a lot of calories through the explosive movements, you also work on endurance, strength, and coordination. At the same time, you train your body’s stability and mobility. By improving these two things, you will be more flexible, faster, and more agile. This will also boost your footspeed and help your balance.

You can choose the size of the box. Generally it should come to your knees and can vary depending on your fitness level. To find out how high you can jump, start on low platforms and work your way up. This way you will build strength and confidence this way.

In box jump training you work all of your leg muscles and strengthen your core using your own body weight. Box jumps also boost endurance and improve your cardiovascular health.

Start in a low squat and stretch your arms out behind you like a ski jumper before takeoff. Now push yourself off the floor with all the strength in your legs and use your arms for momentum. Make sure to land softly with both feet fully on the box and absorb the jump with your knees. Jump or step down from the box and start again. Make sure your starting position is stable and the jumps are controlled. Be solid and confident, messy, chaotic movements increase the risk of injury.

Printable Article


By |2020-07-20T15:47:56-06:00July 16th, 2020|Fitness|Comments Off on July Move of the Month
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