Important Announcements

Ski Conditioning Progam

Ski Conditioning Class ($119)


Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30am

Ski season is just around the corner! Looking to feel confident on the ski hill? Don’t miss our 6 week ski conditioning program. These specialized workouts will help you to not only improve your balance and mobility for injury prevention, but also build muscle endurance and leg strength to help you ski longer and harder. Email today to reserve your spot!


By |2021-09-27T16:18:51-06:00September 27th, 2021|Fitness|Comments Off on Ski Conditioning Progam

Battle Ropes


While they might look intimidating, the battle ropes are a simple workout tool that everyone can use and benefit from.


Many people may think of the battle ropes as an upper body workout. However, when done right, the battle ropes can really be a full-body workout. You’ll train the muscles in your upper back and arms, as well as your core, glutes, and leg muscles for a total body workout.
Furthermore, in addition to being an effective strengthening workout, the battle ropes also serve as a great cardio workout since the effort can get your heart rate elevated enough for fat loss and calorie burning.


Both cardio sports like running and strengthening exercises like lifting can be very hard on the body. For some people, these types of high-impact exercises are impossible to do for health reasons or perhaps the risk of injury is too much of a gamble. While there is no guarantee that the battle ropes won’t result in injury, the lack of impact on the body can be much better for certain gymgoers.


When it comes to working out, the implementation of variations and changes can help you to achieve successful gains and combat boredom. Changing the resistance of a battle rope is simple, the closer to the anchor you are, the less resistance. While you may think it’s a one-movement exercise, there are many ways you can change battle ropes to focus more on specific muscle groups.


Or unilateral dominance! With a rope in each hand, you’ll notice how each side of your body handles the challenge. One side may feel stronger, or more coordinated than the other. Using the ropes consistently over time can help you even out those differences.

Stop into the gym today to test out this piece of equipment! Ask a personal trainer on staff if you are unsure where to start.

By |2021-09-06T14:40:29-06:00September 6th, 2021|Fitness|Comments Off on Battle Ropes

Benefits of Hiring a Trainer

Whether you’re a starry-eyed newcomer to the gym scene, are a gym veteran looking to mix things up a bit, or someone who used to be a fitness buff who has seemingly lost their way, a personal trainer can help you meet any fitness goals. Even if you want to wing it and just figure things out on your own, doing even a few training sessions can show results that you weren’t expecting, and even protect you from certain fitness-related injuries.

Goal Refinement & Perfection

The first step to most personal training is sitting down with a trainer and going through a fitness consultation. In these styles of consultations, the trainer will go over your past fitness experience and what your goals are to get a better gauge on how they can help you. These meetings are all about learning your goals and refining them to perfection to make sure that you are seeing the results that you want to see. Even though you may think you don’t need it, a quick fitness consultation can really steer you in the right direction. And the bonus? Most gyms offer this service for free with a membership (we know we do), so you don’t have to pay for a session where you won’t actually be working out!

They Will Hold You Accountable & Motivate You

One of the biggest reasons for people struggling in the gym is that they lose motivation and don’t hold themselves accountable. We’ve all been there before where something life related happens or you simply lose interest. Personal trainers can help hold you accountable and motivate you to meet your goals. Plus, if you flake on them they don’t take that lightly, and they’re usually going to be bigger than you, so you don’t want an angry trainer on your hands.

They Can Push You to Your Limits & Vary Your Workouts

Nothing is worse than falling into a routine when working out. Whether it’s doing the same thing over and over again, or not pushing yourself hard enough, you can eventually stop seeing results, which can be remarkably demotivating. That’s where a trainer can come in. They are essentially masters of pushing your limits and making sure your progress doesn’t stagnate. While it may feel like they’re temporarily your enemy and they’ll make you feel pain in places you didn’t even know about about, it’ll help you in the long run. Trust us.

They’re also well-versed in pretty much every exercise imaginable, so they will be able to vary your workouts so things won’t start to feel redundant, which can be a problem for many gym goers.

Form Perfection

Even the most hardened gym-goers can fall into screwing up something in their form. While having bad form can stagnate results slightly, there can also be drastic long-term effects of using poor form when working out. The problem with form that everyone runs into is that it can vary from person to person, and there are different correct ways to do certain moves in the gym. Trainers can help make sure you’re doing the best form for you and your specific moves. Even though you know your body best, a trainer can make sure that your form won’t bite you in the butt in the long run.

They Want to See Your Progress as Much as You Do

Ultimately, the trainer is there to help you through your fitness journey, and they love to see the results as much as you do. There is no better feeling in the world than seeing your before & after pictures once your fitness goals have been met. It feels like you just conquered the world, and it even makes the trainers thrilled to see how far you’ve come. Both you and your trainer will be incredibly proud, and it’s something you won’t ever forget. So get out there, and go talk to a trainer today, even if it’s just for a consultation. You never know where they’ll take you.

By |2021-07-07T11:13:44-06:00July 7th, 2021|Fitness|Comments Off on Benefits of Hiring a Trainer
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