Monthly Archives: July 2023

Following Pool Etiquette

We see more new faces in the pool area than we do anywhere else during the summer due to it being the height of Montana tourism. While the Hot Springs can be a fun experience the whole family can enjoy, it’s important to show good etiquette to everyone else. Remember, you aren’t the only people using the facility, so be courteous of the others in the facility by following some easy rules.

1) Keep It Relaxing for Everyone Else

We understand that when you come here as a family, you want to have fun, but it’s also worth noting that most people use the Hot Springs to relax and unwind after a long day’s work. Nothing is worse than finding your groove and entering a nice state of relaxation only to be jolted out of it by a screaming kid or a stray football. While we aren’t going to ban fun at the Hot Springs, we do ask that the family fun doesn’t impede on other’s ability to relax. An easy rule of thumb is that if the kids want to play, keep it in the kiddie pool (there’s plenty of room).

With that being said, if you choose the designated children’s pool as your relaxation destination of choice, do understand that you’re going to be around children, so relaxing is going to be a bit more challenging.

2) Shower Before Going into the Pools

We can’t believe we have to say this, but please don’t use our pools as baths. We get lots of complaints every year about people coming back from a long, dusty hike and just hopping right into the pools. No rinse, no shower, nothing. Then, all that dust winds up in the pools and makes everyone else angry (at you if you get caught, but at us if you don’t). So, before you use the pools, we politely ask that you at least rinse off. We aren’t saying you have to take a full-blown shower, but as least rinse most of the built-up dirt from a day’s activity off your body. Also, we know the water pressure in our showers isn’t always consistent, but there’s always enough to get a rinse in.

3) Please Keep it PG & Leave the PDA at Home

The Hot Springs can be an incredible date spot (a word of advice: just probably not for the first date), and we understand that the ambiance of the facility can be great for a little bit of romance. But remember, there are likely children in the pool with very protective parents, so keep it PG. There’s nothing wrong with some in-pool cuddles and smooches, but don’t start bumping and grinding up on each other. Trust us when we say this: nobody else wants to see your extreme displays of affection.

If it gets too bad, we have to have an employee address the situation, which is just awkward for everyone involved, so please don’t make our employees have to have that awkward conversation with you.

4) Leave Your Bluetooth Speakers at Home

.This may come as a big surprise to you, but not everyone wants to listen to your music. We see this more often than you’d think, where lots of people are trying to relax, but a group of five people thought that blaring loud music through a speaker was a good idea. So, as a courtesy to everyone else who wants to enjoy the facility, leave the speakers in the car. This also applies to playing music or TikToks directly out of your phone. Nobody wants to listen to that. If you can’t go two hours without listening to your own music, just bring cordless headphones. You’ll get to enjoy your sonic bliss while making sure no one else has to listen to it.

5) Make Sure Floaties are an Appropriate Size

We’ve all seen the fun social media posts where you’re floating on a giant slice of pizza, so we understand why you’d want to recreate that. However, most of those photos are taken in empty pools. When there are a lot of people around, large floaties are problematic, as you’ll be constantly bumping into people and, in the worst case scenario, getting people stuck under you. Just to be safe, make sure to bring multiple sizes of floaties on your visits.

This rule is sort of weird, because it’s dependent on how busy we are. If it’s a pretty slow day and there aren’t many people in the pools, go crazy. But if it’s a busier day, we will make you downsize your floaties a bit.

6) Only Splash People you Know. No Collateral

This goes hand-in-hand with rule number one, where you should keep it relaxing for everyone else. You’re still welcome to have fun out here, but make sure your fun stays within your group. A big part of this is splashing people and using water guns. While splashing your friends (and sometimes parents) can be fun, as soon as someone else catches the collateral, it becomes a lot less fun. It’s gotten to the point where we’ve almost banned squirt guns altogether, because it’s very rare that someone outside of the group gets hit with a stream of water.

This also goes with throwing things to each other in the pools. First things first, it needs to stay in the same pool. If not, we’ll confiscate the toy. Also, if your receiving skills are so bad to the point where the ball goes through your hands constantly and hits someone else, we’ll take it. You can get it back on your way out.

By |2023-07-19T15:42:24-06:00July 19th, 2023|General News|Comments Off on Following Pool Etiquette

Following Gym Etiquette

Now that we’re in the summer season, we’re seeing all kinds of fresh faces in the gym. Whether it’s new members or tourists, summer brings in a lot of new people, so it’s the time of year where we’re rehashing our gym etiquette rules. Following these rules will make sure that everyone is able to experience the gym well and have an overall positive experience!

1) Wear Proper Gym Attire

This more of a rule of the gym than an etiquette guideline, but with a whole lot of fresh faces and tourists, we have to highlight this. Make sure you have the proper attire for the gym, otherwise we will make you go change into something appropriate.

In our gym, proper attire is:

  1. Clean, close-toed shoes
  2. Shorts, sweats, or leggings (NO SWIM TRUNKS)
  3. A shirt for men and at least a sports bra for women

Like we said above, if you don’t follow these guidelines, we will make you go change into something that follows these guidelines

2) Wipe Down the Equipment When You’re Done

It’s not a workout if you aren’t sweating a little bit, but nothing’s worse than walking up to a machine that’s covered in someone else’s sweat. So, for the sake of others, wipe down the machines when you’re done. We provide free rags and spray bottles to make it even easier for you. It’s also generally a good idea to wipe down a machine before you use it as well to stop the spread of germs, but cleaning up your sweat when you’re finished is crucial to making sure others can have a positive gym experience.

3) Rerack Your Weights

Let’s face it. Everyone is at a different level on their fitness journey, so not everyone can lift the same amount that you can. It’s important to rerack your weights once you’re done so everyone else in the gym can work out effectively.

Also, keep in mind that there’s no shame in asking for help if someone left their weights on and you’re not able to lift them off. We’ve all been there at some point in our fitness journies.

4) Take Phone Calls Outside

Here’s the scenario: you forgot your headphones and you’re doing squats. All of a sudden, from behind you, you hear (loudly) “Hello? Oh what’s up bro?” then proceed to hear a full one-sided conversation about their previous night’s escapades for the entirety of your squat session. Pretty awful, right?

This is something we see in the gym almost every day, and it’s pretty obnoxious every single time. We think it’s awesome that your bro or your grandma called you. But not everyone else needs to hear what you’re saying to them, so take the call into the hallway.

5) Be On Time for Fitness Classes (or Enter Quietly if You’re Late)

Being late for one of our fitness classes can be disruptive to the class and can throw off the flow (especially for circuit-based classes). So please show up on time for our fitness classes so we’re able to make sure they run smoothly.

We get it. Sometimes things happen where you can’t quite make it in time. If that’s the case (and you aren’t too overly late), make sure you enter quietly so the class can continue as planned.

Also, we can’t believe we have to say this, but if there’s a class going on that you’re not participating in, don’t go into the room. The room is meant for fitness classes and we promise the gym has everything you’ll need for your workout.

6) If You’re Not Feeling Well, Work Out from Home

It feels amazing when you finally hit your groove. You’ve built your amazing workout routine, have watched yourself advance, and gotten into a solid rhythm. Then, those pesky seasonal sicknesses get you. We know how worrisome it can be to give up on your routine until you’re feeling healthy again, but by continuing to come into the gym, you’re putting everyone else at risk to catch whatever you have. It’ll also likely extend your sickness, as you’re not allowing your body to recover. So it’s best for everyone if you stay home.

If you’re super set on continuing to work out, ask one of our trainers to make you a quick, low-intensity home workout! They’ll be able to whip you up something incredible.

7) Don’t Argue with Our Trainers

This rule is pretty simple: what our trainers say is final, and arguing with them is only going to make things worse. Whether you’re training with them or are asked by one of them to follow the rules, what they say goes. We understand that gyms have different rules, so if you’re doing something wrong and they correct you, just agree with them and move on.

By |2023-07-06T15:36:35-06:00July 6th, 2023|Fitness|Comments Off on Following Gym Etiquette
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