Monthly Archives: February 2021

Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press

Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press

This is a great exercise for the chest as well as shoulder stability. It is also an awesome way to challenge your core, because since you are only moving one dumbbell at a time, you have to really focus on engaging the core throughout the whole exercise. Another bonus is that since you have the same amount of weight on each side, you can start to even out the strength on either side of your body.

  • Start with a pair of dumbbells that you could do at least 15 reps of bench press with. Grab a bench
  • To begin this exercise, lay down on the bench and hold the dumbbells directly above your chest with your arms straight and the dumbbells touching
  • While still holding one dumbbell in place, bring the other one down to the side of your chest and then press it back up until your arm is straight again. Repeat on the other side and that is one rep
  • Make sure that while you bring one dumbbell down you are focusing on keeping the other arm locked in place and engaging your core so that you don’t move side to side.
By |2021-02-08T11:36:41-07:00February 8th, 2021|Fitness|Comments Off on Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press

Proper Pool Etiquette

Rounding up the etiquette articles about our facility, we felt like it was appropriate to go over some basic pool etiquette tips and rules. Following these rules is crucial to making sure everyone in the pools is having the same positive soaking experience that you are, whether you’re here recreationally or for relaxation.

1. Shower Before Going Into the Pools

We all live different lives, so we may pick up dirt from the daily job or have unusually dry skin. Regardless, we don’t want any of that to come with you into our pools. So, please shower before going into our pools. It’s always a little gross to see someone climb into a pool, and a small amount of muck comes off of them. It makes you look weird and makes everyone else uncomfortable.

We know our showers can be frustrating sometimes, but all it takes is a quick rinse off before going into the pools. Also, if the front showers don’t have enough water pressure, go to the showers in the back. They’re on a separate water supply, so they generally have way better pressure.

2. If it’s Really Busy, Leave Your Large Floaties in the Car

Before getting into this in more details, we need to clarify one thing: we will never turn away someone who needs arm floaties. They don’t take up any space and are sometimes a necessity. The floaties we’re talking about here are the ones that you sit on top of and float around. When it’s not busy out, we’re totally fine with these (within reason), but if it’s busy, it’s best if you leave them in your car. In a busy pool, they just take up too much space for others to be able to enjoy the facility, plus they can be a safety hazard in case someone manages to get stuck under one.

3. Don’t Bring Outside Speakers

Nothing is worse than trying to relax in a pool while someone twenty feet away from you is blasting their music as loud as their speaker or phone can handle. This actually happens more often than you’d think. It’s incredibly insensitive to the other people who are trying to use the facility, especially if there are kids around. Even if it’s just playing out of your phone, please refrain from listening to your music. If you really can’t go that long without hearing about how many Xan’s Drake took before he landed, just bring headphones. Everyone will be better off.

4. Only Splash People You Know, and Make Sure There Isn’t Any Collateral Damage

Trust us, we know first hand how it can be to take all of your anger out on your friends by trying to splash a tsunami right in their face, and if they’re ok with it (or if they kinda deserve it), then you go for it. However, when it happens to someone who isn’t your friend, all the fun and games come to an abrupt, awkward end. If you’ve ever been splashed on accident by someone, you know how frustrating it can be, so why would you want to inflict that onto somebody else? Because of that, if you feel the urge to splash your friends, make sure there isn’t anyone who can be caught in the collateral. Also, don’t use splashing water to flirt with a stranger. They won’t find it cute, and you’ll definitely go home without a phone number.

5. Keep Throwables in One Pool

Ever wanted to catch a football while diving without running the risk of receiving a face full of grass? Pools provide that opportunity, and you’ll look super cool while doing it. However, we run into problems when these passes extend to multiple pools. We’ve had people walking between pools get beamed in the head by a low pass, and even had people get hit at the complete other end of the pool by a completely off-kilter pass. While it’s funny for about five seconds, you won’t be laughing when they chuck it back at you with double power.

6. Keep Your Voice at a Reasonable Level

This goes hand-in-hand with bringing your own music into the pools, which is simply keep your voice at a reasonable level. We understand that when it’s crowded, it’s generally louder, so you need to speak up. But on the less busy nights, there’s no need to yell what you have to say. Usually, you don’t want other people to hear your conversations, and they probably don’t want to hear it either, so it’s best to just use your inside voice.

7. Keep it PG

Seriously, keep the PDA to a minimum. A little bit is fine, but keep it PG. Nothing is worse than having an employee or an angry mother telling you that you’re getting too frisky. So if you wouldn’t want to see it from someone else, don’t do it yourself.

By |2021-02-04T17:18:58-07:00February 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Proper Pool Etiquette
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