Try Our Juices!

We’ve recently added a variety of fresh-pressed juices to our menu! Great on their own or in a smoothie, these five juices all provide different benefits to aid you on a healthy diet or help with your personal wellness goals.


The healthiest-looking drink you’ll ever see, our greens drink is perfect for improving your gut health, reducing inflammation, and boosting energy levels

Contains; Kale, Cucumber, Green Apple, Celery, Lemon, & Ginger


Even though it’s smaller than all of our other juices, our Immune Booster packs a punch. Probably one of the spicier things you’ll drink, the Immune Booster helps protect you from flus & colds, fights inflammation, and even gives you a bit of extra energy.

Contains: orange, pineapple, lime, ginger, cayenne pepper, turmeric, & black pepper


The most nutrient-heavy drink we offer, our Recharge juice is useful for boosting your immune system and even has the potential for strengthening your skin. Plus, it’s loaded with your daily dose of vitamin C from the oranges and carrots.

Contains: orange, pineapple, carrot, & lemon


With no sugar added, our Springs Lemonade is unlike any lemonade you’ve every drank. Created as a digestive aid, the Springs Lemonade also helps give you a boost and helps with bloating or nausea. Plus, it tastes just like normal lemonade!

Contains: green apple, red apple, lemon, & ginger


Need to flush some toxins out of your system? Our beet-based Upbeet drink (get it?) has you covered. Making your liver more healthy, eliminating toxins, and lowering blood pressure. this purple drink is great for helping you detox

Contains: red apple, beets, & lemon