Monthly Archives: January 2020

Fitness Testimonial: Cathy Conover


“I feel very fortunate to be able to attend the exercise classes at the Bozeman hot Springs.  Recovering from a major accident, I have been able to restore my flexibility and increase my balance.  I try to take one or two classes every day, as the Hot Springs is now a significant part of my daily routine.  My exercise program has not only improved my overall health, but has positively impacted my riding.  Thanks to Cybil and Nancy for their expert guidance.”

-Cathy Conover

By |2020-01-27T11:02:34-07:00January 27th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fitness Testimonial: Cathy Conover

Fitness Testimonial: Janine Hansen

It’s never too late to get a personal trainer!  At 59, I had never considered going to a personal trainer.  However, I’m now seeing the benefits that a well designed exercise program can do for people at any age that want to live a healthy lifestyle. Kaci Noble’s ability to develop and implement a program that worked for me was instrumental in keeping me motivated to go to the gym.  She strikes the right balance between encouraging you to reach your goals, while being thoughtful and understanding when you have reached your physical limit for the day.  Thanks to Kaci, I’m looking forward to continuing my physical fitness journey at Bozeman Hot Springs.

By |2020-01-13T16:59:30-07:00January 13th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fitness Testimonial: Janine Hansen
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